Re: Still no speech

Hi, gnopernicus will compile and operate fine without gnome-mag.
It's true you would only require gnome-mag if you want magnification
support. I've compiled gnopernicus on someones RH 9 system without gnome-mag
and it works properly.
It appears to me that problems with gnopernicus begin with non Red Hat
users.That's an educated guess based on the amount of Red Hat users using
gnopernicus as aposed to the non-Red Hat users that don't have a fully
functional gnopernicus yet.

----- Original Message -----
From: Adam Myrow <amyrow midsouth rr com>
To: Thomas D. Ward <tward1978 earthlink net>
Sent: Sunday, May 18, 2003 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: Still no speech

> Hmm, you built Gnome-mag?  I skipped that because from what I read, it was
> only needed if you want magnification.  Since I am totally blind, I
> figured I could do without it.  Maybe there is some bug which makes it
> depend on Gnome-mag?  I'll try building that and be-building Gnopernicus
> and see what happens.

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