Re: More questions about building Gnopernicus

On Wed, 14 May 2003, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:

> Hmm. I would have thought pkg-config should have looked there by default
> on a normal install (unless you built it yourself to look in /usr/local
> or something). If Slackware's standard pkg-config does _not_ look in
> /usr/lib/pkgconfig, you should probably report it as a bug (to
> Slackware).

Actually, as far as I know, there isn't a pkg-config package for
Slackware.  I built it from source and installed it without thinking to
check where it went.  It went into /usr/local which explains why it
couldn't find the libraries without help. >

> That's odd. Anything later than automake-1.4p6 should be parallel
> installable. By default, all automakes (1.4p6, 1.5*, 1.6* and later)
> will install a binary called automake-<ver> (where <ver> is 1.4, 1.5,
> 1.6 ro 1.7 as appropriate) and a binary called automake. The latter
> binary should never be called by anything, though (things that just run
> "automake" should have bugs filed against them). These automake packages
> also install a directory in ${prefix}/share/automake-<ver> (with <ver>
> as above). So there should be no trampling going on.

Well, Slackware ships with automake 1.7.3.  I had downloaded
automake-1.4.tar.gz and I guess that predates the P6 patch you mentioned.
I had assumed that it was the other way around.  That is, you were
supposed to call automake and not worry about what version it is.  I
assumed that automake would retain backward compatibility.  Slackware's
automake does make both automake and automake-1.7.  So, I guess I
downloaded a slightly old version of automake and that was the cause of a
lot of my problems.

Now, as for once I get Gnopernicus working, I understand Festival is a bad
choice for synthesizer.  Somebody told me that the reason is that it does
not support "call-back."  However, he didn't explain what that means.  Can
somebody enlighten me as to what that means?

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