Re: Questions about building Gnopernicus


You might want to try building Gnopernicus under Garnome. It is included 
in the latest release and builds without a hitch. Of course, you have to 
build the gnome-desktop first, and there sare some problems with that. 
However, they have been worked out over the l ast few days.

 On Mon, 12 May 
2003, Adam Myrow wrote:

> Hi.  I just got on this list hoping to get some help with building
> Gnopernicus.  I am quite interested in working with it and seeing what
> state it is in and what still needs doing.  I have been trying to build it
> and am having an awful time getting it to build.
> The first question is about supported synthesizers.  As I understand it,
> IBM ViaVoice, Festival, and FreeTTS are supported.  ViaVoice for Linux has
> pretty much been abandoned by IBM and FreeTTS is in JAVA and my computer
> isn't fast enough to use it efficiently.  That leaves Festival.  I have
> heard that Festival does not work well with Gnopernicus.  What
> specifically is the problem with it?  Does it work at all?  What other
> synthesizers are in store for support in the future?  What Braille
> displays will be supported eventually?  Is there any plans to support
> hardware speech synthesizers?
> Well, as for actually building Gnopernicus, I got Festival compiled and it
> is working.  I am using Slackware 9.0 which comes with Gnome 2.2.  I
> tried to compile the Gnome-speech library and was told that I needed
> something called Gnome-common in order to get it to compile.  There is no
> mention on the Gnopernicus website of this that I could find.  Anyhow, I
> checked out Gnome-common from CVS and in trying to build it, I discovered
> it is expecting automake 1.4.  I have automake 1.7.  It even invokes
> automake as "automake-1.4."  I finally downloaded automake 1.4 and built
> it with "./configure --program-suffix=-1.4."  This created the binaries
> and when I installed them into /usr/local/bin, they came out with names
> like automake-1.4.  This satisfied the for Gnome-common and I
> attempted to build Gnome-common again.  This time, it couldn't find
> libtool.m4.  I got around this by making a symbolic link from
> /usr/share/aclocal/libtool.m4 to /usr/local/share/aclocal/libtool.m4.  I
> wanted the older automake in /usr/local so it wouldn't overwrite any files
> from version 1.7.  This finally got Gnome-common to build.  I then tried
> to build Gnome-speech and it started complaining about being unable to
> find libraries for gnome-2.0.  Since I have 2.2, it was thinking it
> couldn't find the libraries.  That's as far as I've gotten before getting
> frustrated.
> So, what do I do now?  Why was Gnome-common designed to call automake-1.4
> while its error messages imply that you can use any version newer than
> 1.3?  Do I have to have Gnome 2.0 as well as 2.2 to get Gnome-speech to
> build?  Thanks.
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