Porting Dasher to Gnome accessibility framework


I'm working on the Dasher project (http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk).
We've recently made our 3.0 release, which marks the point where we're
developing it fairly seriously. There's currently a GTK interface, but
we're looking at integrating things more usefully into Gnome. There's a
few questions, though:

1) In its current form, Dasher doesn't provide anything in the way of
direct interface with applications. Modifying it to enter text into the
selected window/textbox is pretty easy. Would it be worth it to try to
integrate more closely, in a similar way to GOK? The model really isn't
optimised for selecting menu options or similar activities, though there's
no real reason why this couldn't be kludged on in some fashion.

2) The platform independent core is written in C++ - at the moment, so is
the platform dependent interface code. We're using gtkmm for bindings.
Porting with gnomemm is presumably the easiest option for us, but in a
hypothetical idyllic future world where Gnome ships with various
accessibility applications would this be an acceptable dependency?

3) Uhm. Anything else?

I'll be at FOSDEM in Brussels next month, so if there's anyone involved in
accessibilty work going it'd be good to catch up.

Matthew Garrett | mjg59 srcf ucam org

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