Re: [g-a-devel] (yet another) Accerciser problem

2011/10/2 Mario Sanchez Prada <msanchez igalia com>
Hi again,

I have finally decided to wipe out my /opt/gnome3 directory completely
to do a fresh-restart and now accerciser is no longer spitting out that
error, so probably my problem happened due to some old files hanging
around that no longer are there.

I thought so, but, who knows?! I did some tests during the weekend in a 64 box but I couldn't reproduce the problem. :S


In more detail, I just did:

 * Remove files in my /opt/gnome3/ build path
 * Update jhbuild from git and perform jhbuild bootstrap again
 * Execute jhbuild build -afc accerciser

So that's it.

Nice catch, Mario!  I think it's usefull for people experimenting similar problems with jhbuild. :]


Javier Hernández Antúnez
Área de Operaciones

Emergya Consultoría
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