Re: [g-a-devel] At-spi over dbus performance.

From: Mike Gorse <mgorse alum wpi edu>

> I have been working on a C-based AT-SPI library to replace the current
> pyatspi2 implementation, so the Python code could become much thinner
> and mainly rely on GObject introspection.  This should significantly
> improve performance based on my testing, and it needs to be done
> before I can look at specific issues.  I have some code in the gi
> branch of at-spi2-core, along with python code that I plan on pushing
> to a branch of pyatspi2, but it is not complete or ready for testing
> (most AT-SPI interfaces are still unimplemented).

I think that I already made that question on a weekly meeting, but
just for the record. This work to move most of the current bindings to
C could be used to have a full C-SPI bindings? Or they will be just
the enough code to improve the performance?


API (apinheiro igalia com)

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