[no subject]

1.) Right now it uses GailTextUtil and GailMiscUtil [4][5] to help
some of the text processing tasks. This mean a dependency to
Gtk/Gdk*. So I should reimplement that part, avoiding to use that (and
probably reimplementing some of the GailTextUtil GailMisc
2.) It uses some gdk functions to resend the key events in a more Gdk
similar way. (I will sent a mail about that later.) This should be
avoided as well.

Sorry for the long mail.

Ideas, thoughts, comments?

[1] https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=614121
[2] http://projects.gnome.org/accessibility/talks/GUAD3C/making-apps-accessible/flyweights.html
[3] http://library.gnome.org/devel/atk/stable/AtkRegistry.html
[4] http://library.gnome.org/devel/gail-libgail-util/stable/gail-libgail-util-GailTextUtil.html
[5] http://library.gnome.org/devel/gail-libgail-util/stable/gail-libgail-util-GailMisc.html

* One of my TODO tasks was add a compile option, to make this
dependency optional, so it seems that in the end it would be removed.

API (apinheiro igalia com)

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