Re: [g-a-devel] Accessibility in Google Chrome

From: Claudiu Mihail <claudiu bogdan mihail gmail com>

> Thank you for the reply.
> I looked at the bug. What I can tell is that chromium hasn't the right
> kind of support for atk (or at-spi, what I'm using). Would that
> explain why the names and descriptions don't show up?

Yes, that would explain that, but I can't ensure it 100%. I would need
to check that.

> Also I forgot to mention that inspecting chromium with gtkparasite
> yields the names of the widgets chormium has (including the URL bar).
> How would I be able to get the same results?

Well, as I said I didn't check it really deep, but AFAIK, chromium is
using GTK for some parts. I suppose they use GTK for the menu(s),
etc. But the html engine uses WebKit (not sure which port). If this
URL is drawn using the html engine, that would explain why this bar
doesn't have support but other parts yes.

As I said on the bug [1], right now there are a effort to improve the
ATK support on the WebKitGTK port. In fact, some months ago, epiphany
(a WebKitGtk based web browser) was in a similar status. It uses GTK
for the menus, so you were able to get information from it, but as it
was not present ATK support for WebKitGTK you couldn't get anything
drawn by the html engine. Now things are in a better status ;)



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