Re: [g-a-devel] Announce: AT-SPI2 0.1.2 released.

Hi Halim:

GNOME 2.29.x is going to be unstable for some time as we go through the migration to D-Bus. For now, assume you should only use it for testing and not day-to-day work.

I believe the impact of the "check using PID to check that the application using pyatspi does not call itself" modification is that it will help prevent hangs caused by reentrancy issues. So, Orca should *still* run and provide access to the applications on the desktop, but its main window, preferences, quit, etc., GUIs will be silent when you try to access them.

Note also that 0.1.2 means this is still early code that is early in the GNOME 2.29.x development cycle. Stability and reliability are neither guaranteed nor expected at this point. But, we still have a goal of achieving both for GNOME 2.30.0.


On Nov 17, 2009, at 8:40 AM, Halim Sahin wrote:

On Mo, Nov 16, 2009 at 06:50:43 +0000, Mark Doffman wrote:
          * Add check using PID to check that the application
            using pyatspi does not call itself. This is because the
            D-Bus calls are not currently re-entrant.

does this mean that we can't currently use orca?

It would be great to know what does work allready (like orca etc) and
what should be tested.


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