Re: [g-a-devel] question about GAIL TreeView cell actions


I've noticed that gailcell.c defines an "expand or contract" action when a tree view cell has other cells under it. There is a function called gail_cell_type_add_action_interface which adds the action interface. However, it is only called by gailbooleancell.c, which is used for toggle cell renderers. So one cannot expand or contract a row using an action if there is no cell with a toggle renderer. I wasn't sure if this was a bug or not--it looked like it had been coded that way intentionally--but it isn't what I would expect, and it would be helpful if I could perform an action to expand or contract any cell that is expandable. Does anyone have any thoughts or know why the code is designed the way it is?

To me that sounds like a bug.


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