Re: [g-a-devel] Use case for ATK_STATE_ARMED? Suggest deprecating if none.

I think it is intended for situations like when a button is pressed, but not yet activated, it is armed. It came out of jfc/swing I think.

Aaron Leventhal wrote:
I'm cleaning up Mozilla's state code today, that's why all the questions
about states.

ATK_STATE_ARMED -- indicates the object is armed.

I had to do a Google code search to find this, and the only place I see
it being used is in gailbutton.c

It's used only as the button is pressed and released, which I think is basically just a presentation effect with no meaning. A state change is fired, which to me is just an extra event with no purpose.

What's the use case for ATK_STATE_ARMED? How does a user benefit? Or
should it be removed.

- Aaron
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