Re: [g-a-devel] GAIL questions

Hi Mike,

在 2007-08-19日的 09:53 -0400,Mike Gorse写道:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to add ATK support into Abiword's document window.  The window 
> is a GtkDrawingArea onto which text is drawn, so I have created a 
> sub-class called AbiDocView and am trying to create a corresponding class 
> for an ATK object.  It seems appropriate to base the ATK class on 
> GailWidget since GtkDrawingArea is based on GtkWidget, but I'm not sure 
> how best to do this.  I can't just link directly against since 
> it is not on the standard link path, and I haven't found a way to check 
> whether it has been dynamically loaded as a module and, if so, retrieve a 
> symbol from it.  
Gail will be loaded if the whole system's accessibility is enabled. And
I am not sure if your application wants to depend on gail. Evolution met
the same problem. You can take a look at ea-combo-button.c in Evolution.
e-combo-button is based on GtkButton, ea-combo-button is based on
gailbutton and Evolution is not depend on gail. Just inherit it

> Do I need to have the AT support in a separate module 
> from the program which I am trying to make accessible? 
I don't think you have to. You can just do it in the main Abiword binary. 
Don't forget to create the factory. ea-combo-button is a good example I think.


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