Re: [g-a-devel] ATK for own cell renderer

Marcin Lyko wrote:
I've written my own cell renderer which inherits from GtkCellRenderer
and I use the renderer with GtkTreeView. Now I want to write
implementation of ATK for the object and I want to do it in my own
package, but I have a problem because my accessible object cannot
inherit from GailRendererCell, it is not available outside Gail. As I
see, all accessible objects for cell renderers should inherit from
GailRendererCell if these renderers are used with GtkTreeView, if not,
the implementation of ATK for any renderer is not complete (e.g. size,
position and focus is not available).
So, is it possible to create implementation of ATK for my own renderer
without changing Gail? If it is possible, how to do it?
Hi Marcin;

I believe this is possible - see Marc Mulcahy's paper on writing custom widget accessibility support. It's a bit of a hack, but you can inherit from a GailObject type without access to the original Gail headers - via the GObject/GType system.

The GObject system's object constructor for your custom GailRendererCell implementation needs to know the size of the object to be allocated - this can be obtained from the base GailRendererCell class by asking the GType system at runtime.

Have a look at the examples in Marc's paper - if it doesn't make sense, you might ask Padraig O'Briain at Sun.

Best regards,

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