Re: [g-a-devel] Exposing document selection

Willie Walker wrote:
Hi Aaron:

On Tue, 2006-10-03 at 10:52 -0400, Aaron Leventhal wrote:
Here is the current plan for exposing selection in documents -- please let me know if there is a better way:

1. Any object which has any part in the document selection will have STATE_SELECTED, which will allow the collection interface to be used to get all the currently selected nodes.

STATE_SELECTED is usually reserved for objects such as interactive lists
that let their children be selected (versus a portion of their text).
The use of STATE_SELECTED for this purpose, however, seems to work well
if only to use the collection interface to provide a semi-efficient
means to find all objects that have something selected, whether it is
text or children.  I'm confused, however, about what happens when both
types of selection are intended.  My guess about what to do here is in
the next section...

As Will says, STATE_SELECTED usually has different semantics, and is reserved for selection of children in list or container-like objects. STATE_SELECTED should never appear on objects which are not children of objects which implement AtkSelection.

Please do not conflate these two different meanings of the word "selected" - as you can see, these two meanings are represented in ATK by two different interfaces : AtkSelection, for containers, and 'Text Selection' which is exposed in AtkText as AtkText:getSelections etc.

Clients wishing to know the currently selected text should do so this way:

1) selection of text, and/or changes to text selection, must result in selection-changed events from ATK. 2) clients know from these events what the AtkText object currently undergoing a change in selection is (there may be an open bug about this) 3) clients use FLOWS_FROM and FLOWS_TO relations to consolidate the entire text selection, if it spans multiple AtkText objects.

Note that the mozilla "embedded object" convention which you are promoting ensures that selections in mozilla can span objects which do not themselves implement AtkText; this conveniently allows for selection of inline images or hypertext links without the use of AtkSelection.

Collection isn't really required for this. If for some reason we feel it is vital to use Collection in this way, then "selected" should be a semantic text attribute (exposed via AtkTextAttribute), we should not use ATK_STATE_SELECTED for this.

Since there seems to have been some confusion about this despite the current docs, I will amend ATK_STATE_SELECTED to make clear that it does NOT apply to text selection (and point to atk_text_get_n_selections/atk_text_get_selection instead.)

Best regards,

2. We will use the AccessibleText interface to expose selection via getNSelections and getSelection for each container in the document which has text. The document itself is currently also one such container, which supports AccessibleText.

This is workable.  What happens in the case of things like list items in
an interactive list, though?  That is, how does one represent that they
are both selected as in the "I want this list item" means and that their
text is part of a selection?

I guess what one needs to do is look to the parent's Accessible
Selection interface to see if it is SELECTED because of the Selection
interface and/or to the Accessible Text interface to see if it is
SELECTED because of Accessible Text.  Is that the intention?

3. Any accessible node which has any descendant even partially selected will be considered selected.

In the case where a non-text node has text descendants (do these cases
even exist) that have a text selection, I'm guessing the non-text node
will be marked as SELECTED?

Furthermore, will the Gecko implementation work the other way around?
That is, I'm hoping the assistive technology can call the accessible
text implementation to *modify* selections as well.  If so, will the
implementation set all the appropriate SELECTED states for ancestors?



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