Re: [g-a-devel] AT-SPI, focus leaving and window IDs

Samuel Thibault wrote:
I'm not, because brltty doesn't care about toplevel windows, but only
about terminal widgets. I said "since other widgets may get the focus":
the user may open some menu, in which case the toplevel window is the
same, but the widget is different, and as such brltty should leave back
braille output control to gnopernicus.

For your case it sounds as if listening for 'focus:' and then monitoring 'object:state-changed' events on the focussed terminal object is the best approach.

Well, libwnck actually *does* rely on the XWindow ID.

Yes. But it can get it via other means, it doesn't need to get it from at-spi, as you know.

But actually I wrote that "get title" reply way too fast. This is not
the point: what we need is at-spi-terms-reading-brltty to know the
underlying ID of the terminal widget, the one that is given to the
program running in the xterm in the WINDOWID environment variable.

I'll have to think about this a bit more.

The problem I'm seeing coming without that information is fbterm/screen:
For now, fbterm is not accessible, screen is via a shm hack. But on the
long term, I guess at-spi would be a good candidate to make them
accessible. However, how would BrlAPI be able to know which virtual
terminal currently has the focus if this it is not reported somewhere in

That piece of information _is_ reported in at-spi, i.e. an application can know when it has focus (but of course it knows this anyway). If nothing else, the text-mode braille-aware application should be able to know the window ID of its containing terminal widget, from its WINDOWID environment. So it would be the responsibility of the client/terminal to tell BrlAPI that it has the focus.

So to me, this seems like part of the interface between a terminal widget and its text-mode 'client' (the passing of WINDOWIDs). But even without this, I think that text-mode applications have other ways of knowing when "they" have keyboard focus (in other words, when their containing widget has X keyboard focus).

So I think perhaps we are worrying about a problem that is already solved, we just need to get the terminal emulation folks to point us at the existing solution, I am pretty sure that a text-mode application should be able to tell when it has focus without having to ask AT-SPI.


Bill Haneman

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