Re: [g-a-devel]recent gnopernicus "Language" files and support

Hi Bill,

Internationalization in gnopernicus is made in standard GNOME mechanism.

Our intention is to make user choose a language in gnopernicus UI. For that, 
UI must know which languages are supported. To avoid modify code every time a 
new language is added, in code is used a variable which has same value as 
ALL_LINGUA from file.

What you see in CVS message was a #define value, in case in which no value 
for current language is readed from gconf. It has no conection with 

Best regards,

On Friday 17 January 2003 12:42, you wrote:
> Hi:
> I see from CVS messages that a number of files/definitions relating to
> "LANGUAGE" for gnopernicus have recently been added to CVS.
> I have not been able to look at them in detail yet, but could you please
> confirm that these are using standard GNOME internationalization
> mechanisms and methods?  As has been discussed before, it's vital that
> we do all of our localization and internationalization in standard,
> proven ways.
> best regards,
> Bill

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