Re: [g-a-devel]gail patch ...

>Though we do need some non-GTK_MODULES-based mechanism for loading 
>accessibility support if it does not live in the supported library 
>itself, GTK_MODULES is the agreed upon API for loading gail itself.
>The gtk_module_init method should stay, since it is the only method that 
>is guaranteed to work for 'pure GTK+' apps (i.e. those that do not call 


Looking below I see that gtk_module_init is still there, just relocated, which puts my 
concern about GTK_MODULES support to rest, thanks.


>+gtk_module_init (gint *argc, char** argv[])
>+  gnome_accessibility_module_init ();
>   return 0;
> }

Bill Haneman x19279
Gnome Accessibility / Batik SVG Toolkit
Sun Microsystems Ireland 

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