Re: [g-a-devel]text Boundary enumerated types in at-spi

OK, so I went ahead and made the patch which I posted here based on at-spi cvs head, and it appears that the situation is as follows:

The way we get attributes and the corresponding attribute range information is consistent through the stack-- in ATK it's done through atk_text_get_run_attributes, and in libspi and cspi it's done through getAttributes. getAttributes returns the start and end offset of the attribute range as well as the string describing the attributes.

The cursor_pos and text_attribute_range enumerated types, prior to my patch, are found only in spi.h, and not in the IDL. In this case, suppport for text_attribute_range would have had to been implemented in the c bindings, and it provides no advantages over calling getAttributes, and in fact provides less information.


At 09:39 AM 2/7/2002 +0000, Bill Haneman wrote:
Marc Mulcahy wrote:
> So, should we keep boundary_type_attribute_range and implement it all the
> way through the stack or get rid of it?  A similar capability is not
> present in atk, so we'd have to do some additional implementation in cspi
> and libspi if we want to keep it.  I personally favor getting rid of it for
> consistancy and removing redundancy.
> Marc

The plan was to keep the existing IDL as-is.  The libspi implementation
for boundary_type_attribute_range would use the ATK API for
getAttributeRange which is functionally equivalent.  In turn, the cspi
API would call libspi with the boundary_type_attribute enumerated type.

I agree that this means that the at-spi IDL semantics for attribute
ranges is a little different than from that of ATK and cspi.

I don't really have a problem with that, and any departure would
constitute an API change at this time - we'd have to add an
attribute-range-specific method to Accessibility_Text.idl.  That change
is not necessary using the existing IDL and enumerated types in libspi.

So my proposal would be only to remove the attribute_range boundary enum
from cspi (if we removed it at all), and use the existing libspi API to
implement the explicit attribute range call in cspi.  I don't think it
harmful to keep the enum around however even though it means that we
have some redundant API in cspi.  A second possibility would be to
remove the attribute range method from cspi and use the boundary range
enum instead, consistent with libspi.


> At 10:14 PM 2/6/2002 +0000, Bill Haneman wrote:
> >Marc Mulcahy wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi All,
> > >
> > > There are some redundant enumerated types in the c bindings for the at-spi
> > > that I think should be removed.  They are cursor_pos and
> > > attribute_range.  Can I remove them?
> >
> >CURSOR_POS certainly seems unnecessary.  ATTRIBUTE_RANGE is indeed
> >redundant, so I suppose it can safely go as well (though an analogous
> >value occurs in libspi and the at-spi IDL).
> >
> >-Bill
> >
> > > Also, I'll be implementing marshallers for the text boundary enumerated
> > > types since there aren't any currently.
> > >
> > > Marc
> > >
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