Re: [g-a-devel]text Boundary enumerated types in at-spi

Marc Mulcahy wrote:
> OK, so I went ahead and made the patch which I posted here based on at-spi
> cvs head, and it appears that the situation is as follows:
> The way we get attributes and the corresponding attribute range information
> is consistent through the stack-- in ATK it's done through
> atk_text_get_run_attributes, and in libspi and cspi it's done through
> getAttributes.  getAttributes returns the start and end offset of the
> attribute range as well as the string describing the attributes.

OK, my mistake, I had forgotten that libspi had a getAttributes method.


> The cursor_pos and text_attribute_range enumerated types, prior to my
> patch, are found only in spi.h, and not in the IDL.  In this case, suppport
> for text_attribute_range would have had to been implemented in the c
> bindings, and it provides no advantages over calling getAttributes, and in
> fact provides less information.
> Marc

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