Re: [g-a-devel]Accessible AccessibleAction for setting application/window focus?

On Thu, 2002-08-08 at 12:44, David Bolter wrote:
> >>If I have a Accessible* to a child of a desktop (i.e. an application), 
> >>is there some way I can (through the at-spi interfaces) cause that 
> >>application to "raise", or "get focus", or "become active"?

and Michael wrote:

> >	In a word 'no', at least not yet I think. ...

> This is something that will be important to gok users, so I hope we can 
> revisit it soon.  Do you agree this is something that does belong in the 
> at-spi?  If not, then I should start a non at-spi solution.

Well, this is something that is currently offered by the tasklist applet
and window manager.

If you want to offer it via GOK, there are several possibilities:

* build tasklist or panel-specific shortcuts into gok;
* build a WM shortcut UI for GOK, using existing WM features;
* build API into at-spi which GOK can use;
* combine a GOK "panel" or "tasklist" key that focusses the tasklist
with existing tasklist keynav.

I think the first two options may actually be the most attractive,
though I don't see a big problem with exposing window manager actions on
toplevel windows, through the AT-SPI "AccessibleAction" interface.

The second option presupposes that you can raise or focus a specific
window via the WM, without resorting to simulating mouse-clicks, etc. 
It's not obvious that you can do this via existing WM shortcuts, etc;
however libwnck allows you to do this via existing API, and perhaps the
best solution for building a WM control "keyboard" for gok would be to
use libwnck.  At-spi can't do this (yet) because libwnck is not
considered a stable "platform" library yet, but having individual
applications like gok depend on libwnck seems acceptable.



> cheers,
> ~~David
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