[g-a-devel]Accessibility for System Log.

Hi All,
I request your comments on the accessibility related study for System Log.

Application Name - System Log.
Exe Name - gnome-system-log
Path - gnome-utils/logview

Custom Widgets Used -
GnomeApp, GnomeMessageBox, GnomePropertyBox - These will be made accessible
through libgnomeui.

A] AtkText interface for GtkDrawingArea contained in  windows "SystemLog
Viewer", Zoom View" and "Log Stats" to read out the text drawn in
Note that the details of focussed log line in "SystemLog Viewer" are
displayed in "Zoom View".

B] "SystemLog Viewer"
1) Accessible description for the window - "Press Ctrl+Z to view Log line
2) Accessible description and tooltip for menu items.
3) AtkRelation between label "Filename" and corresponding label variable
4) AtkRelation between label "Date" and corresponding label variable
Note that the value displayed in date_label is the date of the focussed log

C] "Monitor options " - Choose logs to monitor
1) Tooltip (accessible description) for buttons "Add>>", "Remove<<",
2) Tooltip (accessible description) for toggle buttons "Hide app" and "Exec
3) AtkRelation between label "Choose logs to monitor" and items of
GtkTreeView "srclist".

D] "Edit action record"
1) AtkRelation between the following labels and their corresponding GtkEntry
widgets along with a mnemonic key.
       i) Tag:
       ii) Log name:
      iii) process:
      iv) message:
       v) action:
      vi) description:
Please mention in case I 'm missing something and correct me if I'm wrong.


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