Re: Gnome over Exceed

Thanks to all of you for the prompt and competent help !!

I tried truss while executing gnomines ;-), and look what I got:

574:    stat64("/export/home/steinerw/.gnome2/accels/gnomine", 0xFFBFECD8) = 0
574:    open("/export/home/steinerw/.gnome2/accels/gnomine", O_RDONLY) = 14
574:    read(14, " ;   g n o m i n e   G t".., 4000)    = 433
574:    read(14, 0x0004E458, 4000)                      = 0
574:    close(14)                                       = 0
574:    door_info(4, 0xFFBFC900)                        = 0
574:    door_call(4, 0xFFBFC8E8)                        = 0
574:    so_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP, "", 1) = 14
574:    fcntl(14, F_SETFD, 0x00000001)                  = 0
574:    setsockopt(14, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 0xFFBFEB94, 4, 1) = 0
575:    read(0, 0xFFBFEFE4, 12)         (sleeping...)
574:    connect(14, 0xFFBFEB78, 16, 1)  (sleeping...)
>>and now waiting for some minutes :-(

Seems that there is a problem with the socket connection,
but, I'm ashamed, I've absolutely no idea what the concrete problem is
and how to fix it.

Somebody a clue for that ?

Thanks again & best regards,

At 13:53 28.06.2002 -0400, you wrote:
On Fri, 2002-06-28 at 09:39, Wilfried Steiner wrote:
> Dear Experts out there !
> I've recently installed the new Gnome 2.0 beta, for sun solaris 9.
> There are no problems when using it local at the server.
> However, when I try to use it remotely over a 100Mbit network,
> it takes almost 15 minutes to startup and 5 to 10 minutes for each
> application to start.
> There is no problem, once I have the windows on my scree, moving around, and so
> on is quite ok.
> My remote machine is using Exceed as X-server.

You could try using truss to spot what it is doing that takes so long,
e.g. 'truss gedit'.

Dave suspects a bad/slow font server problem, so try reducing the number
of fonts and see if that makes any difference.


Wilfried Steiner                                     fax:   +43 (1) 5869149
Real-Time Systems Group                   voice:  +43 (1) 58801-18218
Vienna University of Technology      mailto:steiner vmars tuwien ac at
A-1040 Wien, Treitlstr. 3/182-1 

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