Re: Floppy disk access in Gnome - followup.

Ian McKellar wrote:

On Sat, 2001-10-27 at 03:34, George Farris wrote:

The next comment was that "You don't have to mount floppies - just use
tar with the raw device (/dev/rfloppy or whatever)."

My personally preferred insane solution is to write a FAT gnome-vfs
module that knows how to access floppy devices directly. This is a
similar thing to what we do for Audio CD access in GnomeVFS/Nautilus.
This won't work with non-GNOME programs, but I don't really care about
them :)

And hope that no two apps want to use the floppy drive at the same time? Or are you going to make apps using the floppy drive communicate changes to the disk? This sounds like a lot more trouble than it is worth.


Email: james daa com au

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