Build report

Hi guys,

Sorry if this is boring and unexciting news, but I just took a shot at
building gnome-libs HEAD using vicious-build-scripts and it works
great (other than a few minor build problems that I've already checked
in the fixes to). From what I can tell, vicious-build-scripts just
makes sure you have the right versions of all tools (gettext, auto*,
etc) checks out modules from the right branches, configures them with
the right flags, and builds them in the right order. So you should be
able to use it as docs for how to build manually.

However, I think we'll be better off if most people use
vicious-build-scripts for GNOME 2 - having one way to build that
everyone shares just makes things a lot easier.

I'm going to work on making sure things are properly
parallel-installable now, since this will help even more people get
involved, and I'll do my best to help keep things building. I don't
know if I can make a huge commitment, but I'll do my best to
contribute a bit to the GNOME 2 effort.



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