Re: building gnome 2.0

Hi Sander,

	Thanks for your mail explaining things. I have been trying to get
a working GNOME 2 setup and was following Martin's instructions, found in
the gnome-2-plan module along with your own.

	However, I was surprised to find that your list seems to include
some extra modules which were not mentioned by Martin at all !

	Okay I have a few questions. Are all modules you mention from CVS
HEAD ? I am a little confused here because Martin mentioned that almost
all modules come out of CVS HEAD (in the gnome-2-summary file) and then in
README.dependencies, goes on to say for certain modules (like oaf) you
need specific patches to get them to build ! Martin ?

	Did you build all modules from HEAD ?

On Sat, 16 Jun 2001, Sander Vesik wrote:

> Pre-requisties:

	Okay, I have all of these.

> 	* glib
> 	* pango
> 	* atk
> 	* gnome-xml
> 	* orbit [2]

	All of these build okay from CVS HEAD. I used ORBit-martin-forked

> 	* oaf

	Does not build from HEAD. Here's what I get :

Running ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-compile-warnings
--prefix=/opt/gnome2 --with-runtime-debug --enable-platform-gnome-2 ...
loading cache ./config.cache
./configure: line 535: syntax error near unexpected token
./configure: line 535: `AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(oaf, $OAF_VERSION)'

> 	* libxslt
> 	* gconf
> 	* libart_lgpl
> 	* libgnomebase

	All of these don't and give me this when I try to build:

Running ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-compile-warnings
--prefix=/opt/gnome2 --with-runtime-debug --enable-platform-gnome-2 ...
creating cache ./config.cache
./configure: line 525: syntax error near unexpected token
./configure: line 525: `AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h)'

	Is there something terribly wrong I am doing here ?



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	Ravi Pratap M         <ravi che iitm ac in>

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