Re: GNOME 1.4 beta 2 is staged

On Wed, Feb 28, 2001 at 12:17:45AM -0800, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
> I put the beta in the staging area
> (pub/gnome/stable/staging/gnome-1.4-beta2-STAGING), holler if there is
> something phenomenally stupid there; it looks like we are on track to
> ship beta 2 tomorrow as scheduled.
> I will send a list of packages changed since beta 1 shortly.

Will this include gnome-vfs from HEAD?  If not, there's no point in
me even trying to build nautilus, since I know it won't work
(as previously discussed here and in bugzilla), and the promised
updated tarball never materialized.

In addition, I've seen the following portability issues that probably
affect more than just FreeBSD.

  1. both ggv and ghex require db2html in order to build any documentation,
     unlike other packages.  If no db2html is installed, the Makefiles
     for both packages require physical hacking to comment out the help

  2. xalf refuses to build in lib/, complaining at length about
     overloading _init().

  3. I have a whole bunch of portability fixes from our patchsets, but
     the sheer number of them means that they'll need to stay external
     to GNOME 1.4 (maybe integrate for 1.4.1)

gnome-vfs is a major issue.. if a new tarball is not forthcoming,
then I will have no choice but to continue to use gnomemc.  (1) can
(and has) been worked around, though it would be nice if the maintainers
could package up pre-built documentation too, removing the need for
db2html.  (2) will simply mean that xalf is not bundled with the FreeBSD
packages, unless fixed.

Others have been asking about build order.. this is what I'm doing
right now for FreeBSD, which ensures that packages clean up fully after
themselves when deinstalling.

glib, gtk+, imlib, audiofile, esound, libxml, ORBit, gnome-libs,
gnome-audio, gdk-pixbuf, control-center, oaf, gnome-print, bonobo,
libglade, gnome-core, libghttp, libgtop, gnome-applets, gnome-media,
gnome-user-docs, gnome-utils, gnome-pim, gnome-games, gconf, gnome-vfs,
librep, rep-gtk, sawfish, xml-i18n-tools, ggv, ghex, bug-buddy, glade,
gtop, gdm, xalf, gtk-engines, gnome-python, gnome-guile, ammonite,
libsigc++, gtkmm, gnomemm, panelmm, medusa, nautilus.


Ade Lovett, Austin, TX.			       ade FreeBSD org
FreeBSD: The Power to Serve

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