xalf, glibc, stuff

So on #gnome-help today, someone was trying to get a newer xchat
installed. And in the process, he required a newer glibc. He
installed that and then "su broke, it complains about not finding
a shared library". 

Pause for brief gibber :) 

We eventually figured it out. It was due to xalf inserting something
into LD_PRELOAD and glibc not being entirely happy about that. We
suggested he file a bug, and then we found someone had done precisely 
that already: 


Can whoever is pushing for xalf's inclusion into Gnome 1.4 please
ensure that either xalf itself is fixed upstream from Mandrake, or
that the xalf Gnome 1.4 ships includes whatever patches they did? 
I can't find who it was who originally proposed it. All there is 
in the releng cvs module is a TODO of "talk to author" and there's
no mention of anything like this on its website, just a reference 
to a control center capplet bug being fixed. 


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