Re: GNOME Releng web site

First, I like the idea of a public site showing movement along the roadmap
to 1.4.  Inclusion of bug tracking (a noted in your email) should only
make it even better.  Thanks Maciej!

some thoughts/notes on items listed:

>     add gedit - not much discussion, my personal opinion is that we need
> some kind of minimal text editor with the GNOME core, but gedit might
> not be minimal enough - we want something notepad-level 

I don't know, gedit seems to hit the right spot, while providing a bit
more capability than notepad even thinks about.  BTW.  my 10 year old is
in the midst of writing a report in gedit and is very happy with it.

>     gnomoku - rough consensus against - we don't want to add too many
> games to the GNOME distribution 

perhaps there should be a minimal set of games in GNOME 1.4, and an
optional 'games pack', somewhat along the lines of GNOME Office.  A
unified release of this paock could be done every quarter or semester.
Another option would be just to let distributors handle games (see my
comment on gabber below).

>     gnome-guile - consensus in favor 
>     gnome-python - consensus in favor 

is there value in bringing gnome-perl into the fold as well?  

>     remove dia and gnumeric (and other gnome office apps) - consensus in
>            favor 
>  put dia and gnumeric (and other gnome office apps) into a separate
> "GNOME Office" release - conensus unclear - some strongly in favor, some
> (including GNOME Office app maintainers) strongly against 

>     add sodipodi, possibly to GNOME office - given general discussion
> about GNOME Office, this should be added to GNOME Office if it happens
> or not at all 
>     ToutDoux - not much discussion here, my inclination is against since
> it does not seem very core

Again, I think separating GNOME Office from the core GNOME release is a
good idea.  If the primary hackers on the apps don't want to do a unified
release yet, then GNOME Office 1.0 can wait until they are.

sodipodi and ToutDoux both seem like they would be ideal applications to
add to GNOME Office.

>     Gabber - not much discussion yet, my personal opinion is we should
> not add a chat client to the release at this time 

I'm not much of an IM user (tho' I'm starting to irc more), so I'm a bit
biased here.  I don't think that Gabber belongs in the GNOME core.  Gabber
et al., games, etc. are probably best handled by either separate paks, or
a distribution (helix-gnome, eazel, redhat, suse, or whomever).

Again, thanks to all the hackers working on GNOME 1.4


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