Package list proposal decisions

Here are my decisions on the current open package list proposals. I
will check them in to CVS one at a time so each can be reverted

If you disagree with any of these decisions, please let me and Jacob
know. We'll be glad to review them. If there is still disagreement,
you can appeal to the Steering Committee.

* Add nautilus and dependencies, remove mc - YES: nautilus and deps will be
added, mc will be moved to extra apps release.

* Add evolution and dependencies - YES: evolution and deps will be added (as non-critical)

* Add mozilla - NO: but will provide known working version in extra
  source directory on, along with image libraries and such.

* gtk-- and libsigc++ - YES

* add gedit  - NO: suggest adding it to extra apps for 1.4 though

* radioactive - NO: suggest adding to extra apps (another possibility
  is to integrate it with gnome-media)

* panel-- - YES

* gnomoku - NO: candidate for extra apps release

* gtm -  NO: candidate for extra apps release

* gnome-guile - YES

* gnome-python - YES

* remove dia and gnumeric (and other gnome office apps) - YES: they
  should move to the extra apps list

* put dia and gnumeric (and other gnome office apps) into a separate
  "GNOME Office" release - NO (there will be no GNOME Office release
  for 1.4)

* add sodipodi, possibly to GNOME office - NO: but strong candidate
  for extra apps release

* add grdb - YES: should be intergrated with gnome-core and
  control-center; is anyone doing this work?

* ToutDoux - NO: should be considered for extra apps release

* gnome-- - YES

* Gabber - NO: but strong candidate for extra apps release

* gnome-pim - should be moved to extra apps, I think

 - Maciej

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