GNOME Office app options

So we have three options here basically:

1) Include some subset of the apps and ship them as part of GNOME 1.4
   proper (i.e. what we've done in the past).

2) Split the apps off into a "GNOME Office" release, possibly giving
   it a scary version number.

3) Keep each app on a separate release schedule. Don't release GNOME
   Office as a whole until some other criterion is met (stability,
   integration, completeness...).

I'd like it if folks who have a strong opinion would indicate which of
these options they like best.

Personally, I think option 1 is the worst. I don't think any of the
criticisms folks have raised for option 2 apply any less to option 1
(difficulty of synchronizing releases, instability, lack of
integration), and it has the additional difficulty of making release
coordination of all of GNOME more complex.

But we should definitely strive to find consensus here.

 - Maciej

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