Re: GNOME 1.4 package list

On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 04:45:48AM +0700, Bob Smith wrote:
> To people with slower internet connections and even some people with
> faster ones,
> a program to facilitate downloads is very important. Having it in gnome
> 1.4 would 
> save us all time and trouble downloading a downloader. :)

Just because something is "in" GNOME 1.4 doesn't mean that it'll be
included in distributions, and just because something isn't part of
the official GNOME 1.4 doesn't mean it won't be in distributions.
I'm not against having pointers to all of the useful GNOME software
out there (which we do, the software map), but marking something
part of the official GNOME platform release means it has to be part
of the coordinated release engineering.  The complexity of a
release is a higher order than linear with the number of packages,
which is why I'm concerned with the number of packages we try to
deal with.

Ian Peters

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