Re: [gmime-devel] Using GMimeDecryptResult - certificate information?

Jeffrey Stedfast writes on juli 14, 2016 4:42:
On 7/13/2016 7:22 PM, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
This is arguably a bug in gmime -- shouldn't all these requests use

It's possible. When is Gaute having these "hangs"? I did not see mention of what operation was being done.

This is what I do through gmime with GPG:

* Set up gpg context
 - always_trust = False
 - use_agent = true
* Fetch a pub key for a recipient
 - Do not locally sign it (--lsign)
 - Do not have always-trust in your gpg config
* Encrypt message for recipient using [0]:

   *out = g_mime_multipart_encrypted_new ();

   GError *err = NULL;

   int r = g_mime_multipart_encrypted_encrypt (
       userid.c_str (),

* GPG will now ask whether to continue encrypting for 'untrusted' key in
 the terminal if there is one.

You could simulate this on the command line with:

$ gpg -e -r untrusted-receiver file

[strange ~] $ gpg -e -r esvn DSC_0021.JPG gpg: AD4C1217CBD6E73E: There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user
sub  elg2048/AD4C1217CBD6E73E 2005-03-05 esvn (Primary eSvn key) <esvn umputun com>
 Primary key fingerprint: 70AA 2F8E 9C99 200C 82F7  737E B031 86E8 D744 F044
      Subkey fingerprint: 6BC1 9C9C ABF1 752C D967  AAC4 AD4C 1217 CBD6 E73E

It is NOT certain that the key belongs to the person named
in the user ID.  If you *really* know what you are doing,
you may answer the next question with yes.

Use this key anyway? (y/N)

If I use --batch (without --yes).

[strange ~] $ gpg -e --batch -r esvn DSC_0021.JPG
gpg: AD4C1217CBD6E73E: There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user
gpg: DSC_0021.JPG: encryption failed: Unusable public key

If I trust the key, gpg is quiet:
[strange ~] $ gpg -e -r gaute DSC_0021.JPG [strange ~] $

Encrypting and Verifying should use --batch --yes from what I can tell. The other operations do not, probably because it broke gpg 1.x somehow (maybe --batch --yes was too aggressive in feeding "yes" to all requests for gpg's input requests?). Of course, it's also possible that I was over optimizing...

If it's always safe to pass --batch --yes to gpg, then I have no problem enabling that code always.

I think it would be more appropriate to not use --yes. My understanding
is that --batch avoids interactive'ness, while the user can already set
always_trust = true if he wants gpg to continue anyway in this case.
--yes would perhaps ignore other errors.

Regards, Gaute


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