Re: [gmime-devel] Feature request: custom content headers

Can you send me some sample messages (you can rip out any body content - I just need the overall mime structure & headers) so I can get a better picture of what you mean?

Send me your local patch for this as well, as that might help me understand better too.



On 02/19/2012 03:42 AM, evil legacy wrote:

As it is now, GMimePart/GMimeMessagePart can only have Content-*
headers, and GMimeMessage can only have everything but Content-*

Can you consider adding something like a
'add_custom_content_headers()' function?

Our legacy mail system uses some non standard content headers (e.g
X-Attachment-ID, W-Size, etc), and I have to maintain a local gmime
branch to make gmime include these headers in part/messagepart and
exclude them in message.


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