glom and LaTeX reports


I recently stumbled across Glom and really like it, once I got it to run
on Debian.

I would love to see a more advanced reporting function. My idea is e.g.
that glom can export certain data/values into a LaTeX-template and call
LatexMK after that to render a pdf file.

Use case: gradebooks for students. Automatically produce nice looking
gradebooks for every student in the database, without using spreadsheets
to calculate grades or a word processor to fill out a gradebook.

I know Latex but no Python. Maybe PlasTex
(, Pytex
(, Cheetah (,,
or Pyandoc ( would be good
starting points?

My general question is: could this be done with glom? If yes: how much
work would be needed to code a function to insert data from glom into an
Latex template and render a pdf file?

thank you in advance!


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