Glom table event

From what I've being studding glom code, we could provide an interface for table events like:

OnNewRecord / OnFieldUpdate / OnFillDatabase .

Those events can be introduced in Box_Data_Details and Box_Data_List methods. Thought I still need to understand how is supported the running custom python script, so some hint would be very appreciated. For each table we would have the flowing on xml:

<event name="event_name" onevent="event">python script</event>

I would like to navigate more through this, so I would like to know the best way to tackle this in terms of programming. My first Idea is to make callbacks available on methods such Box_Data_Details::on_flowtable_field_edited, Box_Data_Details::fill_from_database. this is also a first step for supporting notifications in future.

So I would like to discuss this.

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