Re: glom and LaTeX reports

On Mon, 2012-07-23 at 15:05 +0200, Thomas Renkert wrote:

I recently stumbled across Glom and really like it, once I got it to run
on Debian.

I would love to see a more advanced reporting function. My idea is e.g.
that glom can export certain data/values into a LaTeX-template and call
LatexMK after that to render a pdf file.

Use case: gradebooks for students. Automatically produce nice looking
gradebooks for every student in the database, without using spreadsheets
to calculate grades or a word processor to fill out a gradebook.

I know Latex but no Python. Maybe PlasTex
(, Pytex
(, Cheetah (,,
or Pyandoc ( would be good
starting points?

My general question is: could this be done with glom? If yes: how much
work would be needed to code a function to insert data from glom into an
Latex template and render a pdf file?

thank you in advance!

Sorry for the late reply.

Glom uses PostgreSQL so you can get at all the data via SQL by talking
to the database server directly. For instance, you could use a
"enterprise" (means powerful but awkward) report generator such as

murrayc murrayc com

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