Online Glom status: 10 - 14 Oct 2011

This Week

* Changed the field navigation buttons in the details view to use the
default style

I also briefly looked into making the details cell look better by
expanding field area. I decided that it would be better to wait until
I'm using the next version of  Glom (1.20.x)  so that I don't have to
tweak the layout again when this version is released.

* Added an example glom document for the Field Formatting Test to the git repo

This document is based on the Colour Test document with the addition
of a table for testing the horizontal alignment of fields in the list
and details view. I also removed the test document from the demo on

* A bunch of work in java-libglom to wrap methods required to get
navigation working in related lists.

The bindings are in good shape to start on the GWT side of things next week.

Next Week

* Add the Open buttons to the related list tables in the details view

* Start looking at adding Notebooks to the details view

I've already added the wrappers for the LayoutItem_Notebook to
java-libglom as it was pretty straight froward.

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