Re: Online Glom status: 21 - 25 Hov 2011


anyone have used this?

I think that is very similar to what glom do

is possible to port glom to that?

Nicola Lunghi

2011/11/28 Ben Konrath <ben bagu org>
And of course by "Hov", I meant "Nov". :-)

On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 11:05 PM, Ben Konrath <ben bagu org> wrote:
> This Week
> =========
> * Worked on wrapping SqlBuilder and SqlExpr instead of working around it
> This involved changes in both java-libglom and gwt-glom.
> * Created better error messages in the browser when configuration
> errors are encountered:
> As part of this, I added a manual check if the java-liblgom shared
> library is visible to the JVM before making calls into java-libglom. I
> needed to add this so that a good error message about the a
> mis-configured 'java.library.path' could be displayed. Tomcat wasn't
> dealing with the UnsatisfiedLinkError well and I couldn't get access
> to the error message in the browser otherwise.
> * Changed the flow table to use HTML tables instead of the CSS float
> based layout.
> This is half done. I still need to use HTML tables for the columns to
> fully implement the mockup that I created last week.
> * Fixed the re-opened bug about portals overflowing their container widgets:
> Next Week
> =========
> I'm hoping to finish up my work on Online Glom at the end of next
> week. I'm going to concentrate on fixing issues with the details view.
> If I have time, I'm going to implement the quick find feature.
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glom-devel-list gnome org


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