Accessing GLOM data (ODBC, Export CSV, thru Python - import glom )


I like GLOM and I like to use it as a user interface for my linear
programming model for forest management application,  the database
design, data input and assumption for the LP model.

Currently, I am using MS Access database (*.mdb) file to store data
input, model assumptions and results.

I am using GLPK/Mathprog for linear programming formulation and
optimisation. It can read and write in databases thru ODBC, CSV and
text. I am using spatialite right now and moving in postgresql.

I like to access the data in GLOM database outside GLOM for this
purpose. Is any possibility to access database thru ODBC, export CSV
or use glom python package.

Is there any plan for ODBC in GLOM?

Filemaker has ODBC support but disappointing since it does not support
Postgresql and Spatialite. Most of advance Filemaker users like use
Postgresql. It is very disappointing that Postgresql is not supported.

Is Python GLOM package capable in accessing the GLOM database
structure and data?

Any python script example to import and export database?

Can we export tables in CSV in GLOM? I think this is not needed if we
can manipulate GLOM database using python.

It would be good if you can have a python console widget as option in
design model in the various forms.



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