Re: many-to-many

Am Mittwoch, den 02.12.2009, 22:36 +1300 schrieb Andrew Ruthven:
Hi Michael,

Thank you for the prompt response.  I'd managed to get that far, but
now, can you make the Day field in the "remote portal layout" a
drop-down list showing the Day's defined in the Day table?

I wasn't sure how far you got but it's good to know that we look on
similar results now.

If I:

1. Right-click on it in details view,
2. Choose "Layout" from the context menu,
3. Highlight "field: days::day" and click on Formatting,
4. "Select Use custom formatting"
5. Go to Choices tab
6. "Choices From Related Records"

I can't see the "Day" field  in any of the drop-downs.

odd, I just tried with my example file, and I could select a
"DaysID" (display name of avail::days_id). Perhaps that's because I made
an explicit avail::days_id to days::day_id relationship in the
availability table.

However, I can't get the days combobox inside the "remote portal layout"
of the people details view to work. That is, when I click on a day field
in that column I can briefly see a combobox appearing but I cant make a
selection. I can't remember having seen that feature in any of the Glom
example files though.

I am quickly going to summarize your use case, from my point of view:

1. Have a people table and a days table with a N:N relationship
represented by a common join table, avail (with additional fields for
start/finish time for a given name and day).

2. Display the joined view of people and days in the people details
view, using a remote portal layout showing avail.

3. Allow editing of records via the remote portal in the people details
view, which shows as a triple of (days::day, avail::start, avail::end).
On editing records in the remote portal it should not be possible to
select a day that does not exist in the days table.

regards, Michael

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