Re: Arranging the Details View

On Tue, 2008-05-13 at 20:57 -0300, Arq. Maximiliano Meilán wrote:
The problem is in the middle, because I can't the rows (the price of the
plan can't be aligned with the kind of plan)
Its a minor problem, "stetic"

Maybe you could have several 2-column groups, with just those two
fields. For instance, hopefully this ASCII art appears properly for you:

| [Plan Type] | [Plan Price] |
| [Plan Type] | [Plan Price] |

They can themselves be in another group;

| ------------------------------ | Something: [Something] |
| | [Plan Type] | [Plan Price] | | Something: [Something] |
| ------------------------------ | Something: [Something] |
| ------------------------------ | Something: [Something] |
| | [Plan Type] | [Plan Price] | | Something: [Something] |
| ------------------------------ |                        |

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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