Re: date field bug

On Sat, 2006-04-15 at 18:50 -0700, Ryan Paul wrote:
I just tested Glom 1.0 in Ubuntu Dapper. So far, it seems to be working
relatively well, except for a problem with date fields.

Glom transposes the month and day of date fields. When I type "April 15
2006" into a date field, it becomes 15/04/2006.

When exactly does it "become 15/04/2006". Are you, for instance,
pressing Enter, or clicking away from the field?

I didn't even know that it could recognise such a freeform date.
However, I can't reproduce the effect.

For me, when I enter "April 15 2006" in the Date Of Birth field in the
contact details, then click into a different field, or press Enter, the
field shows 04/16/2006 (Note that you seem to have the British format
instead). When I click around some more, I can't get that error dialog.

Not that may LANG is:
murrayc ubuntumurrayc:~$ echo $LANG

As soon as we can reliably and exactly reproduce this problem, we can
fix it.

 When I click the field
and then click outside of it without actually changing the value, I get
the following error message:

"Invalid format

The data in the field was not recognized. Please try to correct the data
or revert to the previous value. Here is an example of
correctly-formatted data for this field.


When I changed the day value from 15 to 12 and then clicked outside of
the field, it changed the formatting so that the date showed up as:
04/12/2006. After changing the value once, clicking inside of the field
and then out of it without changing it causes the month and day values
to switch positions rather than displaying the error message.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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