Re: Why don't use GnomeDbDict in Glom

On Tue, 2005-07-26 at 17:21 -0500, Daniel Espinosa wrote:
In all your releases exist the legent about Glom, can't work with a
data base don't created for him; why don't use GnomeDbDict to know
about the structure of the data base and leave the developer to select
wich data, table or any thing on that data base exist to create your
own GUI.

Glom does check that the database has the expected structure.

However, Glom is not meant to support countless field types, with
countless options, and every obscure postgres feature.

In the gnome-db 1.3 seires, exist a dictionary (GnomeDbDict) asigned
to a XML file updated with the structure of the data base, that could
be the way to use any type of data base provider and structure, may be
created before or actually used with other front ends.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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