Re: [glade--]Re: Gnomemm-2 support in glade--

Peter Wainwright wrote:
   Pkg_Version gtk_version;
+   Pkg_Version gtk2_version;
   Pkg_Version gtkmm_version;
+   Pkg_Version gtkmm2_version;

No, I'm not glad with introducing two variables. And another variable which selects which one of them is actually significant.

My rationale for this was that the version check is called as the first
statement in main() - before the glade file is loaded, and before we
know whether it is glade1 (->gnome1 by default) or glade2 (->gnome2).
The different layout (e.g. different Dock widgets) in glade1 and glade2
files seem to need gnome1 and gnome2 respectively, which then imply
using gtk1 and gtk2. On the other hand, with a GTK-only project, we
could probably just use the latest gtk version in any case.

If we could defer the version check until after the file is opened,
and gnome1/gnome2 is selected, then there would be no need for that.

Already done.

BTW, I'm thinking in terms of the user who just hits "Build project"
from glade, so there's no way to pass a --gnome2 flag to glade--.

That's on my todo list (expanding glade to recognize glademm's advanced features.


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