[glade--]Re: [Glade-devel] glademm

Bryan W. Headley wrote:
Robin Cook wrote:

Great!, I take it that glade-- is called from the command line and not integrated into glade2.

Yes and no. Glade-2 knows to exec glade-- when asked to build C++ source code. Same arrangement exists for Ada and Python code generators. Glade-2 itself knows how to generate C code.

Maybe all the code generators should be pluggable library modules, but they weren't all developed at the same time.

The real problem is: They are not developed in the same language, they need additional system and language support libraries! I dare to mention that even script languages might come into sight (python) which are hard to compile into a library.

[I would not dare to reimplement glademm in C. It would be a nightmare to extend or restructure.]

Shortly I'm perfectly happy with the current situation.

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