[glade--]Todays patches...

Those patches are a bit more questionable than my last, so someone with a
better grip of the big picture will have to verify them. (But they work
for me =)

  - Don't try to embed image if it is a stock image.

  - Enabled use of accelerators.

  What is the deal with the accelerators anyway? Why wont glade-- generate
  them as default and why does it print the warning about broken code
  compability when I manually enable accelerators

  - Enabled edge shadow type.
  This was (almost) there already, but commented away. Why?

Björn Axelsson

? diffs.txt
? writers/.image.cc.swp
? writers/.image.cvs.cc.swp
? writers/diffs.txt
? writers/image.cvs.cc
Index: writers/image.cc
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/glade--/src/writers/image.cc,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -u -r1.26 image.cc
--- writers/image.cc	10 Dec 2002 11:30:32 -0000	1.26
+++ writers/image.cc	11 Dec 2002 15:02:24 -0000
@@ -57,19 +57,21 @@
 void Gtk_Image::GCInclude(const Widget &w,CxxFile &f) const
 {  Parent::GCInclude(w,f);
-   if (GTKMM1) f.Include(Configuration.GtkmmIncludePath()+"imageloader.h");
-   const std::string pixbuf=w.getProperty("pixbuf");
-   if (Configuration.embed_images)
-   {  if (!xpmname(pixbuf).empty())
+   if (w.getProperty("stock").empty())     
+   {  if (GTKMM1) f.Include(Configuration.GtkmmIncludePath()+"imageloader.h");
+      const std::string pixbuf=w.getProperty("pixbuf");
+      if (Configuration.embed_images)
+      {  if (!xpmname(pixbuf).empty())
-      else if (GTKMM2)
-      {  f.Include("gdkmm/pixbufloader.h");
-         if (!f.ElementAlreadyThere(CxxFile::element_t(v_Image,pixbuf)))
-         {  EmbedImage(f,pixbuf);
-            f.AddElement(CxxFile::element_t(v_Image,pixbuf));
+         else if (GTKMM2)
+         {  f.Include("gdkmm/pixbufloader.h");
+            if (!f.ElementAlreadyThere(CxxFile::element_t(v_Image,pixbuf)))
+            {  EmbedImage(f,pixbuf);
+               f.AddElement(CxxFile::element_t(v_Image,pixbuf));
+            }
-      }
-   }      
+      }      
+   }
 // Glib::RefPtr<Pixmap> (Glib::RefPtr<Colormap>&,Glib::RefPtr<Bitmap>& mask,data)
@@ -122,30 +124,32 @@
    std::string xpm_ident=xpmname(pixbuf);
    std::string instname=Configuration.InstanceName(w.Name());
    if (GTKMM2)
-   { if (Configuration.embed_images)
-     {if (!xpm_ident.empty())
-      {  f.Declaration() << "Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Bitmap> _"
-   		<< instname <<"_mask";
-         f.Declaration() << "Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixmap> _"
-      		<< instname <<"_pixmap "
-      		"= Gdk::Pixmap::create_from_xpm(get_default_colormap(), _"
-		<< instname <<"_mask, "
-		<< xpm_ident << ')';
-      }
-      else
-      {  f.Declaration() << "Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::PixbufLoader> _" << instname
-      		<< "_loader=Gdk::PixbufLoader::create()";
-         if (Configuration.gtkmm_version<Pkg_Version(2,0,0))
-      	    f.Declaration() << "GError *_" << instname << "_err=0";
-      	 f.Statement() << "_" << instname << "_loader->write(" 
-      	 	<< Configuration.CName(pixbuf) << "_data, sizeof " 
-      	 	<< Configuration.CName(pixbuf) << "_data";
-      	 if (Configuration.gtkmm_version<Pkg_Version(2,0,0))
-      	    f << ", _" << instname << "_err";
-      	 f << ')';
-      	 f.Statement() << "_" << instname << "_loader->close()";
+   {  if (w.getProperty("stock").empty())      
+      { if (Configuration.embed_images)
+         {if (!xpm_ident.empty())
+            {  f.Declaration() << "Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Bitmap> _"
+               << instname <<"_mask";
+               f.Declaration() << "Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixmap> _"
+                  << instname <<"_pixmap "
+                  "= Gdk::Pixmap::create_from_xpm(get_default_colormap(), _"
+                  << instname <<"_mask, "
+                  << xpm_ident << ')';
+            }
+            else
+            {  f.Declaration() << "Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::PixbufLoader> _" << instname
+               << "_loader=Gdk::PixbufLoader::create()";
+               if (Configuration.gtkmm_version<Pkg_Version(2,0,0))
+                  f.Declaration() << "GError *_" << instname << "_err=0";
+               f.Statement() << "_" << instname << "_loader->write(" 
+                  << Configuration.CName(pixbuf) << "_data, sizeof " 
+                  << Configuration.CName(pixbuf) << "_data";
+               if (Configuration.gtkmm_version<Pkg_Version(2,0,0))
+                  f << ", _" << instname << "_err";
+               f << ')';
+               f.Statement() << "_" << instname << "_loader->close()";
+            }
+         }
-     }
    else // can not work with 1.2 ???
Index: writers/menuitem.cc
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/glade--/src/writers/menuitem.cc,v
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -u -r1.35 menuitem.cc
--- writers/menuitem.cc	17 Jun 2002 07:03:25 -0000	1.35
+++ writers/menuitem.cc	11 Dec 2002 15:02:24 -0000
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
       /* Convert accelerator spec to parseable string. May actually have
 	 passed something like mods|key directly instead, but this allows
 	 accelerators to be localized. */
-      if (Configuration.has_accelerators && w.hasProperty("accelerator")) 
+      if (Configuration.has_accelerators) 
       { for (Widget::const_iterator i=w.get_Accels();i!=w.end();++i) {
 	 std::string mods=i->getGladeAttr("modifiers");
 	std::string key=i->getGladeAttr("key");
@@ -124,8 +124,8 @@
        else // GTKMM2
        {  replace_all(mods,"GDK_","Gdk::");
-          f.FunctionArg() << "Gtk::Menu_Helpers::AccelKey(" << mods 
-          	<< ", " << key << ")";
+          f.FunctionArg() << "Gtk::Menu_Helpers::AccelKey(" 
+          	<< "'" << key << "', " << mods << ")"; 
Index: writers/scrolledwindow.cc
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/glade--/src/writers/scrolledwindow.cc,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -u -r1.24 scrolledwindow.cc
--- writers/scrolledwindow.cc	15 Jun 2002 13:22:14 -0000	1.24
+++ writers/scrolledwindow.cc	11 Dec 2002 15:02:24 -0000
@@ -49,9 +49,8 @@
 void Gtk_ScrolledWindow::Configure(const Widget &w, CxxFile &f,const std::string &instance) const
 {  Parent::Configure(w,f,instance);
-//   std::string shadow_type(w.getProperty("shadow_type","GTK_SHADOW_NONE"));
-//   and what to do with this?
-//   f.Statement() << instance << "set_shadow_type(" << shadow_type << ')';
+   std::string shadow_type(w.getProperty("shadow_type","GTK_SHADOW_NONE"));
+   f.Statement() << instance << "set_shadow_type(" << Gtkmm2Namespace(shadow_type) << ')';
    if (w.hasProperty("hscrollbar_policy") || w.hasProperty("vscrollbar_policy"))
    {  std::string hscrollbar_policy(w.getProperty("hscrollbar_policy","GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC"));
       std::string vscrollbar_policy(w.getProperty("vscrollbar_policy","GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC"));

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