[Glade-users] Compiling Glade 3.16.1 for Windows

I agree with Tristan.
It's better to choose a build and make it "official" so every effort for
building, patching and developing goes to one project rather than be
scattered all around.


2014-03-06 13:04 GMT+01:00 Tristan Van Berkom <tristan.van.berkom at gmail.com>

 On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 8:15 PM, LRN <lrn1986 at gmail.com> wrote:
Hash: SHA1

On 06.03.2014 14:41, Domenico Ferrari wrote:
On 2014-03-05 17:57 GMT+01:00 LRN wrote:
On 05.03.2014 20:31, Domenico Ferrari wrote:
Hi. Due to the lack of a precompiled version of Glade 3.16.1
for Win32 machines, I decided to compile it on my own.

Do I have to compile on a Windows machine?

Is it better to have a Linux cross-compiler?

I'm thinking about compiling on Windows and making binaries for
the dependencies also.
How much time are you expecting to sink into that? What is your
ultimate goal?

Note that you may be able to find pre-compiled Glade &
dependencies, if you look outside of gtk.org. Google for two
keywords: "glade-3.16.1" and "mingw".

Thank you!

I have downloaded precompiled Glade and all dependencies from
They have a package manager somewhere (or so i've been told), a port
of pacman from Arch. Be sure to use that (if you can't find it, go ask

The gtk demos are working but Glade is looping, eating all CPU and
no windows out.

If you want support for their builds, go ask them. They have a mailing
list too, and alexey is available on #mingw-w64 @ irc.oftc.net .

Me, i'm maintaining sbuild[1]. If you use that - then you can ask me
for support.

If there are precompiled Glade version for Windows, why not list
them on the glade official site?
Because no one from the Glade dev team makes these builds, therefore
they are not inclined to provide the binaries or support them. GTK+
stack includes a whole lot of dependencies, and since other people
took up the task of building and packaging the binaries (for better or
worse), Glade devs may have little incentive to do anything.

FWIW, we would certainly welcome announcements of the win32 build
releases on the glade mailing lists, as well as updates to the website
(i.e. the news section and the page where we tried in the past to link
to the latest win32 releases)... the Glade website is hosted in git as
the 'glade-web' module (simply committing and pushing causes the
website to auto-update).

I think the major issue here is that there have been various projects
building for win32 and we just need some consensus on what is the
current 'official' one - ideally I would like them to be hosted somewhere
under here:

(but in the distant past there has been a sourceforge project which was
very consistent with wrapping up GTK+/glade all in one bundles which was
pretty popular).


Aside from mingw-builds and my own project, there may be Fedora-mingw
builds somewhere, and Tarnyko built the whole GTK stack a while back
(not sure if glade-3.16 was included). There may be others too.

[1] https://www.gitorious.org/sbuild

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