[Glade-users] Bad behaviour of GtkVBox

Manuel Ferrero <mferrero at reer.it>:

Here: http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/5255/gtkbox.png you can see my
project and I can't select the empty slot at the top.
I tried to right click on it and select Remove slot from the menu, but
nothing happened.

Elmar Sullock Enzlin suggested a workaround for the problem:

1. add a parent frame to every widget in the vertical box (in my example 
add a parent frame to window1-vbox1, window1-vbox2 and window1-hbuttonbox1);
2. remove the just added parents frames;
3. now is possible to remove the empty slots then reorder the widgets.

Maybe it could help understanding and solving the problem.
Thanks Elmar.
Manuel Ferrero
R&D department

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