[Glade-users] libglade and Druid

Tristan, all,

Thanks for your answer.

Here all the version of the package installed on my Gentoo:

libgnomeui 2.14.1
libgnome   2.14.1
glade      2.6.8
libglade   2.5.1

and here the druid edge part of the glade file

<widget class="GnomeDruidPageEdge" id="ConfigurationDruidStart">
  <property name="visible">True</property>
  <property name="position">GNOME_EDGE_START</property>
  <property name="title" translatable="yes">Gargoyle configuration
  <property name="text" translatable="yes">Wellcome to Gargoyle !
This druid will guide you through the configuration
process of the Gargoyle application.

Enjoy !</property>
  <property name="title_color">#fbddfbddfbdd</property>
  <property name="background_color">#06db5e0271ef</property>
  <property name="textbox_color">#ffffffffffff</property>
  <property name="logo">title.png</property>

I've also notice that only 'GnomeDruidPageEdge' are not working.
GnomeDruidPageStandard are fine !! logo and bg_color are set according
to the glade file.

Thanks for your help
Laurent Marzullo

   I am looking at libgnomeui/glade/glade-gnome.c (the libglade module
for gnomeui widgets) - in the function druid_page_edge_new() and in my
version of libgnomeui (2.15.1 it says in the NEWS file) - there is support
for the "logo" property.

It could be that you have an older version of libgnomeui (doubtfull),
its also possible that the glade-gnome module is sensitive to the order
in which properties are listed.

Could you provide the complete version of the glade file that isnt working ?
(at least the complete version of the druidpageedge ?) - might be good also
to see the differences between the non-functional glade-3 file vs. a glade
file generated with glade-2.


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