[Glade-users] problems referencing data parameter


I am having a problem referencing the gpointer data parameter within the 
signal handlers on_button1_clicked and on_button3_clicked.
Instead of 0 and 1 respectively I get some arbitrary numbers 134694880 
and 134694952.

The following is a fragment from the glade XML file that I'm using the 
<data> element is set to GINT_TO_POINTER(0) and GINT_TO_POINTER(1) 
respectively for both signal handlers. I just can't seem to initialize 
the gpointer data parameter with these values. I really don't need to 
reference that element, but I was just trying to see if it would work so 
that I could use it later in some other applications:

      <last_modification_time>Tue, 06 Feb 2001 04:51:06 

      <last_modification_time>Tue, 06 Feb 2001 04:51:06 

Here is the code that I'm using to reference the glade XML <data> elements.

#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <glade/glade.h>

#define FILENAME "clisttest.glade"

// #define MODES 2        // the number of modes that the column list 
widget can be operating within.
// gchar *clist_mode[MODE] = { "append", "delete" };

typedef enum { APPEND, DELETE } mode;    // the various mode type 
// mode mode_type;        // keeps track of clist mode type

GladeXML *xml;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    gtk_init(&argc, &argv);

    xml = glade_xml_new(FILENAME, "mainWindow");
    if(!xml) {
        g_warning("Could not load interface.");
        return 1;



    return 0;

//static gchar *row[4] = { "Test 1", "Test 2", "Test 3", "Test 4" };

void on_button1_clicked(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data) {

   gchar *row[4];
   GtkWidget *clist;
   row[0] = "Test 1";
   row[1] = "Test 2";
   row[2] = "Test 3";
   row[3] = "Test 4";

   printf("The value at data is %d:\n",GPOINTER_TO_INT(data));
   clist = GTK_WIDGET(w);
   gtk_clist_append(GTK_CLIST(clist), row);

void on_button3_clicked(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data) {

   gchar *row[4];
   GtkObject *clist;
   clist = GTK_WIDGET(w);

   printf("The value at data is %d:\n",GPOINTER_TO_INT(data));
   gtk_clist_remove(GTK_CLIST(clist), 0);

Please help.


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